Monday, September 6, 2010

So I finally scrapped...

I finally got some time to scrap... I scrapped based on the sketch from My Sketch World... I have not been visiting any message boards lately, so I seen the sketch when I was looking through my blogs I follow and thought I should go check it out again... So I did and found some awesome sketches and challenges... Come visit...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday again

Another Thursday is upon us except this time it is a long weekend... I still have not finished a page nor have I cleaned up my scrapping mess on the dining room table.... My goal is that tonight I will get some scrapping done and I will clean up the table! I have printed lots of sketches out so hopefully that helps. Also since I have the May Midmonth kit from Two Spotted Dogs I am hoping that that gives me the ambition that I need to get some scrapping done... it is sooooo very cute......

Monday, May 18, 2009

Slacker that I am

Well here I am a slacker already... believe it or not I did get some scrapping done... Not a finished page but a started one!

The weekend went way tooo fast.... I did get to go to Cedar Point on Sunday so I was a happy camper.. but then I could not sleep last night... ARG and now I am tired... .Oh well the day is almost over...

hopefully after I get the yard mowed and supper made I can do some scrapping!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Well I have made it through the whole big job transition.. On Monday I start week #3.. wow... Have I gotten any scrapping done though??? Nope.. I have not touched my scrap stuff in like 2 months... I so need to get back into the whole thing.... I am thinking that maybe my mother's day present to myself will be some scrap time later tonight!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Blog...

So after lots of problems with my last blog and then not keeping it up I have decided to start a new one...

The last few months have been very interesting... I have learned a lot and found a great guy! Also have learned to love my kids, my man and my family every day you never know when their last day with you will be...